In the 1970s, sports coach Timothy Gallwey described sports coach technologies in The Inner Game series of books.

Moreover, he suggested the use of these technologies in business. Since then, coaching has triumphed as one of the technologies of management and consulting.

Gallwey created an institute for training coaching in the United States, in which the foundations of modern business coaching and life coaching were laid.
Timothy’s followers improved and spread the technologies and models of coaching around the globe, which also incorporated many of the achievements of modern psychology: the ideas of NLP, Gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, and psychosynthesis; modern management technologies and marketing ideas.

Coaching is now a new profession, synthesized from psychology, philosophy, spiritual teachings, management, and finance, aimed at improving the lives of clients in the professional and personal spheres.

Coaching has its methods of work, its technologies, which are generally recognized as highly effective for solving most problems. Since coaching always takes into account the personal characteristics of clients and is more focused on results, it is more effective than classical training or a training course.
One of the main techniques of a coach is to ask questions in such a way as to evoke from the subconscious successful strategies that can be organized in a system, and then put this system to work.

The coach’s task is not to advise, but to lead a person to comprehension of a situation, to a conscious choice of the best option, and, most importantly, to be ready to take responsibility for it.